
EEII reports that the sale of the majority of its shares has not closed

Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 Listing Rules

Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 Listing Rules

Zug, September 21, 2021

EEII reports that the sale of the majority of its shares has not closed

Despite various postponements granted by Gehold SA, Zug, to NACALA WORLDWIDE AG, Luzern, for the closing of the transaction, closing has not occurred as NACALA WORLDWIDE AG did not timely pay the purchase price to Gehold SA for its shares in EEII AG (92.41%). The respective agreements between the parties have thereby terminated. However, Gehold SA and NACALA WORLDWIDE AG continue their dialogue regarding a potential sale. In addition, the Board of EEII and Gehold SA are assessing other options. EEII shall report on next steps in due course.

For further information please contact:

Victor L. Gnehm, Chairman of EEII AG, Tel. Nr. +41 41 723 10 40;


EEII is quoted on the Swiss Exchange (SIX) (Bloomberg: EEII SW Equity).

EEII AG  -  Alpenstrasse 15  -  P.O. Box 4853  -  6304 Zug  -  Switzerland
Phone +41 41 729 42 80  -  Fax +41 41 729 42 29